14 Oct 2022 New traffic system for the Bucharest South Ring Road, Romania
Works in progress for the new elevated roundabout, part of the design and build project consisting of the 4-lane extension of the Bucharest South Ring Road.
The contract, awarded to ITINERA in 2019 by CNAIR (Compania Națională de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere din România) involves the removal of the existing intersection between the Bucharest ring road (CB) and the state road connecting Bucharest to the city of Oltenita (DN4) and the construction of a new elevated roundabout. The works will also allow to solve the viability problems due to the railway line running in parallel to the current ring road.
The roundabout and the first two spans of the access ramps are built by a mixed structure (steel beams and reinforced concrete slab) while the final portion of the ramps is entirely built by reinforced concrete (prefabricated beams and reinforced concrete slab for the first stretch, reinforced concrete walls and filling with quarry material for the final portion).