28 Jun 2023 New York’s JFK Airport: contract for renovation of Central Terminal area
ITINERA, through its U.S. subsidiary Halmar International, in partnership with Skanska, was awarded the contract to restructure parts of the John Fitzgerald Kennedy International Airport, promoted by the Port Authority of New York New Jersey (PANYNJ).
The PANYNJ has, in fact, awarded the joint venture formed by Skanska (70% share) and Halmar (30% share) the US$1.24 billion project for the design and reconstruction of airport’s Central Terminal area roadways, the construction of a Ground Transportation Center with a new parking facility and the relocation of utilities, with the aim of increasing passenger services through advanced technologies, maximizing the space dedicated to users.
The initiative is part of PANYNJ’s Vision Plan to position JFK International Airport at the top of the world’s airport facilities by adopting strict protocols in terms of environmental sustainability, with particular attention to energy saving and the ability to collect and reuse rainwater.
Image courtesy of Skanska